Hey, I'm Yann, INFJ and Ice apple puree lover.
Find me at yanjunchenart@gmail.com
or on Instagram @yannjun_chen
Yann Chen is a freelance illustrator born in China and currently based in Shanghai. She has a BFA degree in Illustration and Comics from the China Academy of Art and recently graduated from UAL's MA in Illustration and Visual Media. She has years of experience in editorial and marketing illustration for magazines and brands.
Yann's sights always land on the narrative approach to illustration. Through her illustrations, she hopes to break down the language and culture barrier. Yann is continuously inspired by Eastern art, culture, philosophy, occultism, and humanity's emotions. She likes to draw illustrations that are sensitive and strong, with stable and calm shapes.
Selected clients include Youth Sanlian Lifeweek、Ramona Mag、Firewords Mag、Transform Mag、China Campus Literature Magazine、BAZAAR MEN x Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 、Douban、Is Light Poetry、Still Listening Mag、Kangshifu Brand x GumLab、ReadingCub Mag、Luoshenfu NFT Project、Ouch! Mag、Meituan Delivery x Links、Snow Beer and Sisters' Mutual Help.
陈彦君,笔名橘盐Yann,是一名自由插画师和高校老师,本科毕业于中国美术学院插画与漫画系,研究生毕业于伦敦艺术大学插画与视觉媒体系,于3x3,Communication Arts、Hiii Illustration、CQ、LICC、iJUNGLE等多个国际级插画大赛中获奖。主要绘制杂志插画和品牌商业项目,曾与豆瓣、三联少年新知、中国校园文学、北京科学技术出版社、芭莎男士x无国界医生MSF、上海迪士尼x UGLY、知日文化ReadingCub阅读兽、康师傅x GumLab、美团外卖、雪花啤酒x Links、是光诗歌、澳大利亚Ramona杂志 、英国Firewords杂志、德国Transform杂志等多家国内外知名公司、品牌及出版社合作插画。
橘盐也帮助插画新人和插画学生进行Portfolio Review以及系列插画作品项目的课程。
2021 - 2022, MA University of the Arts London, United Kingdom
2015 - 2019, BA China Academy of Art, China
2024, IJUNGLE Illustration, New Talent (Student) Merit Awards
2024, IJUNGLE Illustration, Self-Promotion Merit Award
2023, 3 X 3 Illustration Competition, Merit
2023, Communication Arts, Award of Excellence
2023, Creative Quarterly 71, Runner-up
2024, GroundOohArt |Ooh Art Saturday | 橘盐Yann
2024, 画说自由 Podcast|当我能够稳定我的内核,才真正开始了自由插画师之路。
2024, 鲸字号,|在混沌中,固定住锚。|鲸鱼岛之星·橘盐
2024, Shoutout LA,| Meet Yanjun Chen | Freelance illustrator and teacher
2023, 触目Art,| 【Monologue】 Illustrator Yann | Illustration is a safe exit to another world.
2023, Res Publica, | "Dreamscapes and Emotions: Exploring the Art of Yanjun Chen"
2023, 'Art Gallery | "YanjunChen: Thinking like a philosopher, Working like an artisan.
2023, Talk.15, | "We want to talk to you about the present and future of "publication"
2023, FETCHLondon,| " Artist Article Interview: The Transcendental Philosophy of Yanjun Chen"
2022, 27 Project Artist Interview,| 'Say Something', EP1
2021, HiiiBrand Small Talk.12,| "Out of inspiration? Procrastination? Here's how to get through"
2020, HiiiBrand Artist Interview, | "YanjunChen: Busy getting lost and dropping off to paint"
2023, The Movie, Shanghai Touch Art Centre, Unicorn Publishing Group, Shanghai&London
2023, DIY Market, London
2023, Parallax Art Fair, Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London
2022, Purkinje Hermit Designer Popup Market, London
2023, Ouch! Magazine, Queens, NY, USA
2022, Communication Arts Interactive Annual 29 Magazine, Belmont, USA
2023, Illustration Annual 64th, New York, USA
2023, Issue 71 of Creative Quarterly, Brooklyn, USA
2023, Little Press 'Doppelganger: My Shadow Self', Gosh!Comic, London, UK
2021, HiiiBrand International Illustration Portfolio 7th, China
2023-2024, Illustrator, 'Enabling every child to have a cherished childhood' , 是光诗歌Shiguang Poetry Nonprofit
2023, Illustrator, 'Just For Women-Exchanging illustrations for 1 year's supply of sanitary towels for girls from remote rural schools', 媎妹互助会Sister Sorority
2015, Volunteer, Suzhou Tzu Chi Summer, Buddhist Compassion Relief 慈濟Tzu Chi Foundation, Taiwan